Getting the New Year underway, the Expocan Proplan Internacional de Apertura event
was held on 18th and 19th January 2014, organised by the Asociación
Canófila Guatemalteca, ACANGUA.
It took place at the Zoológico Nacional La Aurora, in a natural, colourful setting
which rang to the sounds of Guatemalan fauna. There were dogs taking part from the
neighbouring countries of Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua. This was
a genuine canine festival, with more than hundred dogs all of which had the opportunity
to be seen by the hundreds of Guatemalan families who had come to enjoy the canine
The guest judges at the show were Messrs José Luis Payró, Chairman of the Federación
Canófila Mexicana, Juan Luis Martínez (Mexico), Fabián Daza (Colombia) and Claudio
Nazaretian Rossi (Brazil).
Judging took place in four rings at the same time, and two shows were held every
day. The Saturday saw the participation of the Asociación Agility Guatemala in an
exciting canine sporting competition. Another integral part of the competition held
on the Sunday was the judging of the Niño Manejador (Junior Handling) competition,
in which the children and young handlers showed off their talents with great elegance.
The competition between dogs of the various breeds taking part was of a very high
standard and the results, which are given below, were very tight:
Judge: Claudio Nazaretian Rossi (Brazil)
Best in Show: Fila Brasileiro, VIATA IV DO RINCAO VIOLENTO
Best Guatemalan Breed: Labrador retriever, D’HEAT IS ON OF LANDLORD N PETERWHITE
Judge: Juan Luis Martínez (Mexico)
Best in Show: Kerry Blue Terrier, BORBACHOFF (MORA) MEX. FCI
Best Guatemalan Breed: Siberian husky, PINULAK JADE D’ST.LAZARUS

BIS judges: Juan Luis Martínez y Fabián Daza
Judge: Fabián Daza (Colombia)
Best in Show: Kerry Blue Terrier, BORBACHOFF (MORA) MEX. FCI
Best Guatemalan Breed: Siberian husky, PINULAK JADE D’ST.LAZARUS
Judge Mr José Luis Payró
Best in Show: Siberian husky, PINULAK JADE D’ST.LAZARUS
Best Guatemalan Breed: Siberian husky, PINULAK JADE D’ST.LAZARUS

BIS judge: Mr Payró
At the end of the day on the Sunday, Dr José Luis Payró brought our canine festival
to a close with a spectacular exhibition of handling in the ring, before naming
his Best In Show.
Vivian de Villalobos
General Manager